Media Releases & News

Aurora Energy Response to Commerce Commission CPP Final Decision

31 March 2021
CE Richard Fletcher greeted the Commerce Commission’s decision cautiously, saying there were aspects that were positive.

He thanked customers and the Customer Advisory Panel comprising community leaders and representatives who have worked to provide feedback on Aurora Energy’s plan.

In response to a question at this morning’s briefing by the Commission, Dr Fletcher confirmed Aurora Energy intended to continue to engage with this independent advisory panel, which had proved to be valuable and effective at providing a community voice to help shape our future plans.

Dr Fletcher said Aurora Energy was pleased with the movement in the Capital Expenditure and Operational expenditure in the final decision but the company would need to further consider the implications of these final allowances.

“We’ve been heard and the decision confirms that the credibility of the investment set out in our CPP is robust. This is a reflection of the work our teams at Aurora Energy have put in over the last few years and this decision allows us to now deliver on the commitments we have made to our consumers,” he said.

The requirement to recover the cost of our CPP investment over the five-year regulatory period and in subsequent years will require further analysis by the company and the Board.

In March, Aurora Energy announced its prices for the current year and consumers should now have been notified by their chosen power retailer of their prices. As a result of the final decision, we will not be readjusting our annual lines charges for the coming year which should provide some certainty to consumers.

“The final CPP decision now means we can get on and deliver our plan that has been well thought through, and will allow us to deliver our services to consumers safely and efficiently. Aurora Energy will continue to work closely with all our communities to ensure that we demonstrate the value we are delivering through our investment programme,” he said.