Media Releases & News

Electricity Network Upgrade for Clyde and Earnscleugh

12 May 2022
Central Otago locals can expect to see some activity happening along Letts Gully and Springvale roads between now and September.

Aurora Energy are replacing a section of the electricity network as part of the Clyde – Earnscleugh power supply reinforcement, which will also provide the Clyde and Earnscleugh areas with an additional backup supply to cater for future demand growth.

As part of this work, Aurora Energy will install a new 11 kV circuit from Dunstan Road to Letts Gully Road. The existing overhead network on Letts Gully Road will be extended to connect onto Springvale Road, with some of this area then being fed from the 11 kV Dairy Creek line. This will increase the network operating voltage from 6 kV to 11 kV, and the line upgrade will help to minimise the length of time the power could be out during any future planned or unplanned outages. 

The work also includes replacing 3 km of overhead power lines along Springvale Road, and building a new 11 kV overhead line under the existing 33 kV line from Fulton Hogan’s yard on Dunstan Road to Letts Gully Road.

Some customers will have their power out at times to ensure the safety of contractors and the public while the work is being carried out. Residents will be notified about any power outages by their electricity retailer and Aurora Energy has also written to customers to provide information about the project.

People living in the area may notice helicopters flying overhead when the new power lines are constructed, and traffic management will be in place.

The work has been split into two sections, with two contractors engaged. Unison are currently carrying out the section of work on Springvale Road. They have made a large amount of progress in delivering this work, and are due to finish in the area by July. ElectroNet will then be carrying out the section of work on Letts Gully Road, between May and September.

This project is part of Aurora Energy’s major programme of work to upgrade the electricity network in Central Otago, Queenstown Lakes and Dunedin. Customers can keep up to date with the six Clyde reinforcement projects that Aurora Energy have planned over the next six years, on their website