Media Releases & News

Upgrade To Lindis Crossing Electricity Supply

04 March 2015
Improvements to rural electricity supply in the Lindis Crossing area are taking another step towards completion this week with the planned upgrade of the high voltage network.

Aurora Energy chief executive Grady Cameron says: “We are currently constructing a new substation at Lindis Crossing to provide reliable electricity supplies to homes, farms and businesses. The upgrade will cater for increased electricity demand in the Lindis Crossing, Lindis Valley, Tarras, Ardgour Valley and Bendigo areas. Electricity demand is continuing to grow as more people move to the area and irrigation use increases.

“The new substation will boost local capacity, adding another 7.5 MVA (megavolt amperes) to the existing 3.5 MVA capacity at the Queensberry substation. The new Lindis Crossing substation on lower Maori Point Road is expected to be completed by April this year. Before we can connect the new substation, we need to upgrade the local high voltage network. We have to turn the power off while we carry out this work.

“We would like to advise that an electricity outage is planned for around 70 electricity consumers, including irrigators, in Bendigo south of Maori Point Road, from 8:00am to 5:00pm on Thursday 5 March to enable the safe completion of the first stage of this work. In the event that the work is unable to be done then, the planned outage will occur the next day from 8:00am to 5:00pm on Friday 6 March. Affected electricity consumers have been individually notified via their electricity retailer.

“We will update this advice if the situation changes. We thank electricity consumers for their patience as we carry out this improvement work and apologise in advance for any inconvenience and disruption that may be caused. People using medical equipment that relies on electricity should advise their electricity retailer and ensure they are prepared for power interruptions. If there is an immediate health threat, please contact your health provider or call 111. Always treat all electricity lines and equipment as live at all times.

“At least one further planned outage will be required during March/April in the area. Once scheduled, we will notify electricity consumers via their electricity retailer,” says Mr Cameron.


The Lindis Crossing upgrade is part of Aurora Energy’s overall network development programme. Over the next decade, $236 million of capital investment is planned in the Dunedin, Central Otago and the Queenstown Lakes region to enhance reliability and cater for growth. Historically, electricity demand in the Lindis Crossing area has peaked in winter with home heating. With increased irrigation use, the highest peak is now in summer. The existing 3.5 MVA Queensberry substation that supplies the area has reached its capacity for reliable supply. The new Lindis Crossing substation will add another 7.5 MVA of local capacity, to accommodate increased electricity demand and peak usage in summer and winter.