If we have equipment on your property and you need to move it, we can help. 

Relocating electrical equipment on private property

Under section 35 of the Electricity Act 1992 you can ask us to relocate electrical equipment on your property. We try to support all reasonable requests to move electrical equipment.

You will need to cover the full cost of:

  • Relocating the equipment
  • Reconfiguring the equipment, if it needs to be reconfigured
  • Creating easements, if they are needed.

When electrical equipment is moved, sometimes it needs to be reconfigured (for example, if the equipment is moved from above the ground to underground). If that's the case, the equipment must be constructed to our current standards, which may be different to when the equipment was originally installed.

When we approve requests to move electrical equipment, we may also set reasonable conditions.

To get this process started get in touch with one of our approved contractors.

Relocating electrical equipment on road reserve

Requests by private individuals

We are not legally obliged to move electrical equipment on road reserve for private individuals. However, we do try to approve all reasonable requests if moving the equipment is technically feasible and won't affect the reliability of the system or increase the cost of ongoing maintenance.

You will need to cover the full cost of:

  • Relocating the equipment
  • Reconfiguring the equipment, if it needs to be reconfigured
  • Creating easements, if they are needed.

Email [email protected] to discuss your request.