Make sure you consider tree species' growth rates when planting near power lines, poles and underground cables. By choosing wisely, you can avoid safety risks and future maintenance costs of trees growing too close to power equipment.  

Planting guide  

If you plan to plant trees near power lines, consider low-growing species that are below 4 metres maximum in height. If you're planting trees directly under power lines, make sure their maximum height is 2 metres below the height of the power lines.  

Native plants and trees to consider

Botanical name   Common Name Mature height (m) 
Astelia solandri Kowharawhara 2.0 
Clianthus puniceus Kaka beak 2.0 
Cordyline Karo Kiri Dwarf cabbage tree 2.0 
Cortaderia spp Toe toe 2.5 
Hebe spp Hebe 2.5 
Leucopogon fasciculatus Mingimingi 2.0 
Lophomyrtus spp NZ myrtle 2.0 
Olearia arborescens Common tree daisy 3.5
Olearia hectorii Tree daisy 2.0 
Olearia cheesemanii Streamside tree daisy 3.5
Phormium cookianum Mountain flax, wharariki 1.6
Pimelea longifolia Taranga 1.5 
Pimelea prostrata NZ daphne 0.5
Plagianthus divaricatus Marsh ribbonwood 2.0 
Pseudowintera colorata Horopito, pepper tree 3.0
Sophora prostrata Dwarf kowhai 1.8 

Exotic trees and plants to consider

Botanical name Common name Mature height (m) 
Acer palmatum Japanese maple 1.5
Camellia spp Camellia 2.0 
Ceanothus spp Californian lilac 3.5
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' Corkscrew hazel 3.0
Daphne spp Daphne 2.0 
Escallonia sp Apple blossom 2.5 
Gardenia augusta Common gardenia 1.5
Ginkgo 'Jade Butterflies' Butterfly ginkgo 3.0 
Grevillea aquifolium Holly grevillea 3.5 
Grevillea australis Alpine grevillea 1.8 
Grevillea caleyii Fern leaf grevillea 3.0 
Grevillea hookeriana Black toothbrushes 2.4 
Hydrangea macrophylla Mop head hydrangea 2.5
Lavandula spp Lavender 1.5 
Liquidambar styraciflua Little Richard 3.5 
Magnolia stellata Star magnolia 3.5 
Malus golden hornet Yellow crab-apple 3.0 
Malus gorgeous Fruiting crab-apple 3.0 
Pieris spp Lily of the Valley shrub 1.8 
Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Weeping pear 3.0
Salix caprea 'Pendula' Weeping pussy willow 2.5 
Telopea speciosissima Waratah 3.0
Viburnum acerifolia Possum-haw 3.0
Viburnum dilatatum Linden viburnum 3.0 

For advice on native species most suitable to your region or habitat, contact your local nursery, arborist or the Otago Regional Council.